After this step, you will be able to start connecting. Please click Connect Suppliers to proceed.

Step 1. Select a Supplier

  1. After onboarding, click the Available Suppliers tab to select suppliers to connect to.
  2. Use filters to narrow your search results.
  3. Ensure that selected suppliers are notified about the utilization of DerbySoft services and, if required, have passed certification.

Important: Please only select suppliers you have an agreement with.

Step 2. Apply for Connection

  1. Click the Connection under the Management menu, and select the Available Suppliers tab. 

  2. Select the partner you would like to connect to by clicking Start Connection.

Important: You must have an agreement in place to proceed with a connection.

Step 3. Kick-off Call

  1. A kick off call will be coordinated between the distributor’s team, the supplier’s team, and both DerbySoft client managers.
  2. During this call, all parties will review and update a Connection Overview.

Step 4. 3-Way Testing

3-way testing ensures that all the necessary test scenarios are covered in the certification/ production environment or both. 

You can either prepare your own test scenarios or these can be provided by the supplier. 

The DerbySoft implementation team  (if a build client is involved) or a Go Help engineer will summarize the test results for your final sign-off. 

Connection Settings in Certification

DerbySoft offers testing in the certification environment.

For Push distributors, if you wish to test in a certification environment, please ensure that the sales window and schedule switch are filled out as agreed with the supplier. 

The certification testing can be skipped upon request.

Connection Settings in Production

3-way testing in the production environment is desired before going live. Please fill out the sales window as agreed with the supplier.

Step 5. Piloting

  • We recommend that you select a few properties to validate the reservation data flow.
  • Pilot for at least one week and check that everything is working as expected.
  • DerbySoft Implementation Client Manager (if a build client is involved) or a Go Help engineer will monitor the connection and contact you if there are any problems.

Step 6. Go Live

  • Click Sign off to proceed with the connectivity. If you are connecting to a Go Supply customer. Please wait for the other party to sign off before going live. 

  • The dedicated support email address will be provided for reporting future issues.

  • The 7*24 monitoring team sets up alarms to monitor the connection health automatically.