Today we are excited to share our recent achievements with you.

In this release:

What's new:

Enhancement of log display in “Trigger ARI” functionality.

Why are we changing it? 

The “Trigger ARI” is used when the distributors want to receive the most updated ARI from DerbySoft cache. After it is executed the result will return “Success”, “Error” or “Warning”. The warning message is returned for various reasons and sometimes causes confusion to our customers. To improve this we have refined the messages and showed the logs in several steps. 

What is the change? 

The ARI refresh will be executed in 3 steps: 

  • ARI data fetch: we fetch the products' ARI data from the supplier.
  • Batch ARI processing: ARI data is being processed by Go components and pushed to the channel.
  • ARI pushed to the channel: ARI data is successfully pushed.

How will this affect me?

This change is released for all Go Distributor customers migrated to the new architecture. Please contact your Client Manager if you have any questions. 

Support payment types being pushed in Livecheck response messages

What is the change? 

Currently, some suppliers do not send payment types information to distributors via API, and they are often provided offline. To make it easier DerbySoft is able to configure the suppliers’ payment types (“PayNow”, “PayLater”) and send them in the livecheck response messages when distributors call the BookingUSB API. 

How will this affect me?

This change is only applicable to the Go Distributor V4 customers and depends on the suppliers you connect to. Please contact your Client Manager if you have any questions. 

Calculate the original FPLOS to availability status when ‘fplos’ fields are not consumed by Go Distributor customers

Why are we changing it? 

In order to make it easier for some channels that do not consume the fields “fplos” we have made some changes to convert FPLOS to availability status and pushed it to the distributors that do not support the field. 

How will this affect me? 

This can be configured per customer. If it is switched on, we'll push the original availability status and fplos to the distributor; if switched off, we'll push the availability status which is calculated from the original availability status and fplos.

Please contact your Client Manager if you have any questions. 

Delta push supports multiple products pushed to the channel in one message

What is the change? 

Currently the changed products will be pushed to the customers one by one, which some distributors may not be able to handle. To avoid this, Go will push a batch of changed products at one time to reduce the push volumes. This change will be released on Mar 20, 2023. 

Update ABT & AAT amount in AvailabilityPeer, ShoppingEngine, and BookingUSB APIs to 2 decimals.

If the supplier sends more than 2 decimals, Go will update the ABT and AAT amount to 2 decimals. This calculation rule will apply to daily rates and total rates.  

Thank you. 


      DerbySoft GO Team